Why do I need a mailing service?

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
Considering the attention to detail in the rest of the system, this feels very much like an oversight.
I don't see how. Like I said, you can use a form code from anywhere in there. I use a form from the Mailpoet Newsletter plugin. But we all have different ways of seeing things I guess. You're entitled to your view ... I was just expressing mine.
Anyway .. did you manage to overcome this oversight in the end? I reccomend installing a newsletter plugin. Not much point in having an email list and nothing to email to the people. Actually, the Alidropship plugin should have a built in newsletter ... now THAT'S an oversight. Lol :)

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
So how do I make or where do I get one to work with SMTP?

After trying every compatible newsletter I could find, I settled on Mailpoet Newsletter Plugin. (Plugins/Ad New/ Search for it) It can use SMPT, Has nice newsletter templates, Generates a form code to paste anywhere you like. Has shortcodes to put a subscribe box in pages/blogs. it's free and has plenty of documentation on setup and use.

Ouch! That's the kind of mess we really don't need.

And it's not free.

Nothing you can't do with a plug-in and the server you're already paying for.

SMTP ... it's simple and it works.

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
Ouch! That's the kind of mess we really don't need.

What Mess? Installing and learning how to use a plugin? If you consider that to be a mess, actually producing content for the newsletter would be total chaos! In which case forget about the mailing list altogether.

And it's not free.

It's free. Like a lot of plugins it also has upgrade plans. You to need read the details, not run and screech at the first sight of the main promo crap.

Anyway mate, good luck with the "establishing an online business with minimum effort and having everything handed to me on a plate" plan. I really like it ... but only in my dreams LOL :)
Alidropship's support is quite good. But I really don't want to add another layer to support just for email.
And I've called and researched most of the vendors. When they find out you're really interested in their 'free' service for more than just a demo or intro they get surly real quick. Many of them start out that way.
Most of them I've checked are hard to reach and not really too interested in the free thing for any amount of time.
And they insist on advertising THEIR company on YOUR email. That's definitely not free. It looks very cheesy in my opinion.

Many folks using Wordpress have the impression there are problems with email. And there often are, if you don't add SMTP. Or if you don't turn on DKIM and SPF. Most web hosting companies turn that on for you, or have an easy guide on how to set it up yourself. (Google it.)
I think the email service companies have done a great job selling themselves. But they have gotten tired of the 'free' thing, and their service is less than stellar. And using these guys makes your whole system a whole lot more complex, with important parts out of your control.

Your web host can do SMTP with all the bells and whistles just fine. And one of the many fine Wordpress plug-ins for newsletters and such seems like a much cleaner, safer more controllable way to go. I especially like having everything under MY control and no ads for some other joker making me look like a fly-by-night.

And I agree that Alidropship should probably provide that stuff. Wouldn't be surprised if it's on their list of things to do.


Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
1. You're not happy about a non issue involving the need to copy/paste a subscribe form from parties other than AWebber
2. Your not happy about having to use a paid emailing management company with their built in newsletter facilities.
3. I'd imagine from comments you've made that you'd also be unhappy about using services that have excellent free plans ... like SendinBlue
4. You're unhappy about installing a free newsletter plugin that uses free SMPT

I'm just scratching my head as to what you actually want to use email list, generated by the subscribe form for? Surely not for sending unprofessional plain old emails with "This week's Specials' or something.

So could you tell me ... what exactly DO you want to use the email list for? Whatever it is ... maybe there is a solution. :)