Why alidrop support doesn't help

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
Very disturbing for a new user to see these post

Don't worry about it. Apart from ONE time right at the beginning of it all I haven't had any problem with support. Most times I get a response within a day or two. Most of the people complaining are just impatient, exaggerating drama queens who ignorantly think they are the ONLY ones with a problem ... and demand INSTANT action.

Again .. don't worry. If you have a problem, support will help. Just have a little patience and be aware of different time zones. They are in Russia and you are in ... God knows where. LOL :)


New Member
Don't worry about it. Apart from ONE time right at the beginning of it all I haven't had any problem with support. Most times I get a response within a day or two. Most of the people complaining are just impatient, exaggerating drama queens who ignorantly think they are the ONLY ones with a problem ... and demand INSTANT action.

Again .. don't worry. If you have a problem, support will help. Just have a little patience and be aware of different time zones. They are in Russia and you are in ... God knows where. LOL :)
Good to know thanks
I am in paradise - gmt+7

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
Good to know thanks
I am in paradise - gmt+7
That was just a bit of a joke about the time zones ... but really ... I can imagine (from what I've seen in the forum) that there a lot of stupid people asking really stupid questions that they could find the answer to if they simply did a SEARCH of the forum (or even Google) and/or READ the Knowledge Base and Blogs.

But most people are either too ignorant and /or lazy to do that and think they are the ONLY person with a problem. So all these lazy people flood Support with every little trivial problem they have. It's no wonder that sometimes it takes time for them to reply. Just have a little patience and you will be fine.

Or better yet ... Search the Knowledge Base or use the search function at the top of the forum because 9 times out of 10, someone else has had the same problem and you can get a solution in seconds! :)
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Very disturbing for a new user to see these post

It´s getting better. Actually, the support was great at the beginning, then it seemed they don´t care at all and now they are back and answering all question asked.

The tool itself is great and really efficient once you know how it works. I´m one of these "impatient" people when you call someone so who waits more than 6 days for a reply to an issue with the tool. But I think they just overlooked it and will send them a new mail today.

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
the support was great at the beginning, then it seemed they don´t care at all
Thinking logically, I'd say It was better at the beginning because there were not so many people contacting them .. then later on the number of people increased and they started getting flooded with many more emails.

It would only seem they don't care to someone who can't imagine the possibility that they are simply busy as hell answering heaps more emails. Make sense? :)

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
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See what I mean? Everyone is too self centered to think of the "big picture" ... that's the basis of all the complaints. LOL :)

Mate, don´t start arguing and being a smart ass if you don´t know what you are talking about. If I buy a product, follow the instruction and it doesn´t work, then I don´t wait a week for their response. If they are too busy, they should hire some VAs instead blasting several forums with their product.

If I buy a car and it doesn´t drive then I don´t wait for a week until they come eventually up with an idea. I am impatient when it comes to such issues, definitely, because I want to start testing and working with the tools I buy and don´t want to waste a week or longer with waiting, explaining and fixing.

If I spend my money, I am self-centred. On the other hand, do I help people in forums who encountering the same issues instead writing useless posts

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
smart ass

A sense of humour and a bit of patience goes long way mate. Try not to take everything everyone says so seriously. But the best of all is SEARCHING for an answer. 9 times out of 10 that's how I've solved my problems. Most people are just too stupid and/or ignorant to do that. The most famous would have to be the "404 page error" problem. LOL. I've lost count of how many posts that one has had. But a quick simple search seems to be beyond most people. That's why support is choc a block with stupid questions from stupid and/or lazy people. And that's why it sometimes takes a bit long for them to reply. Simple as that. Most of the few times I've written to support is just to change my site URLS. LOL :)

you don´t know what you are talking about.
Actually, I do. But some people just can't handle the truth. Fact. That's why they invented Political Correctness" ... which I despise.

Unfortunately, we live in a ME ME ME world. Everyone thinks they are the only person with a problem and that their problem is unique. I can really see how the well known idea that 80% of the world's population are idiots came about. :)

do I help people in forums who encountering the same issues

I don't know if you do ... I certainly do. Probably 90% of my posts are helping people and 10% stirring the shit out of a few dickheads ... I'm only human ...lol :)

The topic of this thread is "Why Alidropship Support doesn't help" ... Well I've simply put my two cents worth in as to "why" it appears that way. Fair enough? It's just my "opinion". It's not worth getting your titties in a tangle over another's opinion. Fair enough?

Bottom line ... I think Support are doing an OK job and many people are just impatient, lazy and ignorant and I'm simply sticking up for them ... which ... in an open forum is my right. Just as it's your right to whinge about them. Fair enough? Good. :)
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Most of the people complaining are just impatient, exaggerating drama queens who ignorantly think they are the ONLY ones with a problem ... and demand INSTANT action.
Just because you have had a good run does not mean all have. I'm not impatient nor am l a drama queen and l dont demand instant answers but l will tell you that it took over 3 weeks to solve a major problem with my site which l paid this alidropship to build. Now the problem might have taken 20 minutes to fix but the few times they looked without fixing or if they did reply gave a basic generic answer rather than look at the problem and solve it. Many support request through Email or direct PM were not answered until I included Yaros into the conversation which seem to get some action.
Now I'm not an idiot when it comes to websites or plugins as have built many sites myself and are at times paid to build websites but at times something that l could not fix like social rabbit posting shipping details rather than the proper product description needed a support response within a reasonable time frame which over 3 weeks is not and even once the problem was solved the last PM from support said she will PM the reason of the problem soon but never did.
If support or so busy then it means they have many customers buying their plugin so adjust staff accordingly. Easy to outsource work at cheap rates as well as cover more than Russian time zones.
So if many people complain about support requests then there must be a reason as not all people fit your description. Here on the forum it is not an official support system but rather members trying to help others and at times l see none of us have the answer to certain problems so if official support is not helping or very slow through their official channels and we as members of the forum can not help then obviously that is why people get frustrated.

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
I'm not impatient nor am l a drama queen and l dont demand instant answers but l will tell you that it took over 3 weeks to solve a major problem with my site which l paid this alidropship to build.

Like the saying goes ... "Shit happens". No one or no thing is perfect. But the question is .. "Does it happen ALL the time? My "opinion" is that it doesn't. Simple as that. :)

Next opinion ... anyone?