Which plugins do you use ?!


New Member
Hi Mar,
Its looks like u r very active and helpfull. I am new to this. built my site with alidrop kingslaneshop.com , no visit no sales. My question is, how can I get visit, all the people in fiver trific boster are real? do u use any of them? should I pay them to send trafic or anything els.
Have a nice day.

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
I noticed that 16 of the 35 are Woo related. How do you get around having the features to optimize your store without the plugins?
Write to Woo and ask them to put out a huge Super Duper Bloated version with every possible function that anyone would ever want built in already.

One main thing about Woo is it's customizability. Everyone has different needs for their stores. That's why it's off the shelf state requires plugins to take care of those different needs. You can pick and choose which ones you need/want. There's nothing "wrong" with plugins as long as you use comon sense. Ignore the hysteria about them ... lol :)


Active Member
They don't all operate at the same time. It also depends on what plugins they are. Someone with 60 plugins could have a faster site than someone with 32. Your statement is way to generalised to be worried about too much.

True but i still stand by my statement. Regardless if it's 1 or 100 every single plugin will affect your speed. And every single plugin will affect your site security because it can compromise your site security if it's coded bad, not updated etc.


Hi Mar,
Its looks like u r very active and helpfull. I am new to this. built my site with alidrop kingslaneshop.com , no visit no sales. My question is, how can I get visit, all the people fiver trific boster real? do u use any of them? should I pay them to send trafic or anything els.
Have a nice day.
Sorry for the late reply. You have a good website, although I notice that there are no images in Product Details, Marketing to get sales is the hardest part of the business. Are you posting in the social media? My Woocommerce website is new and I am struggling to get site visits too. I have but not many. My main channels are the social media.

I am highly skeptical about services to generate site visits for a fee. I received a lot of offers in my webmail. One tried to convince me and asked a huge amount of money. It is a long story, I have asked him a trial period to see and make sure their strategy work without spending. Gave me the assurance that it will work. Told him it is very easy to say that and asked him what if it don't work? It is a hard question to answer. Bottom line is, if they are sure their service will work, they will give prospective clients a try. It is hard to say about this fiver trific boster, I am not using it.

Facebook ads is one I can recommend. I have done some research and believe that you have to spend, just, make sure.

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
Would you care to share your homepage/s speed?

Guess I'll stop holding my breath ... lol :)

If anyone is interested in "reality" ... here is just "one" of many examples you can find if you open your eyes and do a bit of research ... https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/wh...google-pagespeed-insights-will-drive-you-mad/

Basically, any page speed result over 80 is pretty dammed reasonable as far as I'm concerned. Trying to get higher by cutting your plugins to the bone will only result in you seriously diminishing the effectiveness of your store. It's all about need, balance, research, selection and common sense. There is no black and white easy solution.
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Active Member
« Oh I compressed all the images on my site, it’s a bit blurry be you still see the product »
« An ecommerce site you said ? -yes »

Most ecom sites are slower than 85 speed grade even well establishted Brands.

What kills load time? HD images, even compressed.

Put a CDN on top of that, case closed you get 97% speed grade.

People are too obsessed with speed. It’s a key factor to rank organically but a 200 ms load time for ranking a blog is not the same for an ecom site with HD pics and awesome looking banner/sliders.

2 to 3 sec load for an ecom site is very good indeed. That’s the loading time I get with 35 plugins with caching and no CDN.
SSD hosting helps.

Hopefully google knows about that.

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
People are too obsessed with speed.

And with good reason. Research shows that many people hit the back button if a site takes longer than 3 seconds to load ... for any kind of site. :)

2 to 3 sec load for an ecom site is very good indeed. That’s the loading time I get with 35 plugins with caching and no CDN.

About the same for me .. with 32 plugins. (with Caching) About as fast as I'm going to get it without stripping it bare and having a semi functional site. I also tested a couple of the Alidropship Original sites before ... they're actually slower than a Woo setup. :)

Most ecom sites are slower than 85 speed grade
And the award for the slowest would have to go to eBay ... lol
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Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
I am highly skeptical about services to generate site visits for a fee.

Me too. I've never taken any notice of how many visits/likes a page has anyway (Facebook) ... and if the visits are to your site ... they won't result in any sales either. It's just for "show".

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
You can find the list of best WordPress image optimizer plugins here
That's not a "list" in my book. "Two" paid plugins/systems with affiliate links and promotional offers for Cloudways. Nor are they the "best".

How much does it cost?
You’ll receive 100 images for free just for creating an account and memberships start at just $5 per 500 images optimized.

You're kidding me? An "e-commerce site" with potentially thousands of images (variations etc), it's just not financially viable. Probably be OK for a "blog site".

Simply typing "Best Image Optimizer" into Google will yield much better, accurate and FREE results.

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I use "EWWW Image Optimizer" WordPress plugin and it is working fine for me