Two problems after installing plugin...

Ruud Janssen

New Member
Hi there,

I installed the Alidropship plugin yesterday.
It seems I've got two problems now...

First of all my product page looks all messed up. It's very hard to read like this:

Product page messed up.PNG

In the second place my 'older' products can't be found on the website.
They seem to be there as you can see on the following image. It shows the number of products right after the title.
However, when I click the image, I get the notification that 'no products were found matching your selection'....
Could this have something to do with the permalinks settings?
The product I imported through the plugin is visible but all the 'older' products are missing...

Any advice would be welcome. Thanks in advance!

Party supplies error.PNG

Ruud Janssen

New Member
Hi there, the second problem seems to be solved...
I have to go to each 'old' product and update the page: then it's visible.
First problem (strange looking product page) has not been solved yet...