
Well-Known Member
I think I should put the Subscribe Box default code here, anyone know what I should do, or where I should put my email in, please help me!
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Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
where I should put my email in,
You keep saying this and it still makes no sense. You do not "put your email" anywhere when pasting a form code in this situation. The code should link to SendinBlue or whatever you are using.

If you are not using a Mail Service like SendinBlue and are just using SMPT ... then you need something else to collect subscription emails, like a Newsletter plugin. For example, the Mailpoet3 Newsletter. Then you use the subscription form code from the Mailpoet settings.
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I think I should put the Subscribe Box default code here, anyone know what I should do, or where I should put my email in, please help me!

<div class="subscribecont">
<div class="container">
<div class="subscribe">
<div class="subscribeH">Sign up to receive exclusive benefits and awesome content in your inbox</div>
<div id="mc_embed_signup" class="subscribeform">
<form action="" method="post" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" class="nicelabel is-not-empty" target="_blank" novalidate>
<div id="mc_embed_signup_scroll" class="form-group is-empty">
<input type="email" value="" name="EMAIL" class="email" id="mce-EMAIL" placeholder="" required>
<label for="subme">Your Email</label>
<!-- real people should not fill this in and expect good things - do not remove this or risk form bot signups-->
<div style="position: absolute; left: -5000px;" aria-hidden="true"><input type="text" name="enter_your_value" tabindex="-1" value=""></div>
<div class="submiter"><input type="submit" value="Subscribe" name="subscribe" id="mc-embedded-subscribe" class="button"><span class="adapsubmit"></span></div>
This thread is full of confusion. Subscribing to news letter and creating an account in a site are two different things. As @Direct Webstore explained, you need a third party plugin for subscription, while creating an account is a built in function of any theme. You really need to documentations.


Well-Known Member
You keep saying this and it still makes no sense. You do not "put your email" anywhere when pasting a form code in this situation. The code should link to SendinBlue or whatever you are using.

If you are not using a Mail Service like SendinBlue and are just using SMPT ... then you need something else to collect subscription emails, like a Newsletter plugin. For example, the Mailpoet3 Newsletter. Then you use the subscription form code from the Mailpoet settings.
I tried putting in code from the third parties, and their subscription form is ugly and not matching my site. These are the default code from the Themes themselves.... And while putting in the third party's code, they asked to change their code in some part (code snippets - i read it from the knowledge base), that's why I'm asking if this code is the same, to change some part and put my email anywhere.
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Well-Known Member
This thread is full of confusion. Subscribing to news letter and creating an account in a site are two different things. As @Direct Webstore explained, you need a third party plugin for subscription, while creating an account is a built in function of any theme. You really need to documentations.
Sorry to confuse you, that's why I put numbers on my questions, that's 3 questions, not for 1 problem. And I'm not really understand how to describe it with technical terms, so I'm just throwing a bunch of words together and hope it makes sense (English is not my first language)

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
I tried putting in code from the third parties, and their subscription form is ugly and not matching my site.
Of course it won't match. Everyone uses different themes. You need to use custom CSS code to change its appearance. Start a new thread for that.

And while putting in the third party's code, they asked to change their code in some part
No idea what you're talking about without examples.

I give up. This is just too much of a half understood, jumbled mess with limited or confused information.

Just find someone, give them admin access to your site and ask them to fix it for you.


Well-Known Member
Of course it won't match. Everyone uses different themes. You need to use custom CSS code to change its appearance. Start a new thread for that.

No idea what you're talking about without examples.

I give up. This is just too much of a half understood, jumbled mess with limited or confused information.

Just find someone, give them admin access to your site and ask them to fix it for you.
Okay thank you, sorry for all these mess :)

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
OK. Do this ...

using SMPT
Install the WP SMPT plugin.

Mailpoet3 Newsletter.
Install this newsletter plugin. It's excellent and free.

Then you use the subscription form code from the Mailpoet settings.


You need to use custom CSS code to change its appearance. Start a new thread for that.

Get to work. ;)

Then sometime later you can think about using another system like SendinBlue, MailChimp etc. A lot of emails will end up in SPAM/JUNK folders without them. You can continue to use Mailpoet with SendinBlue etc.

Even Mailpoet itself has a free mailing service for a certain number of subscribers.


Well-Known Member
OK. Do this ...

Install the WP SMPT plugin.

Install this newsletter plugin. It's excellent and free.


Get to work. ;)

Then sometime later you can think about using another system like SendinBlue, MailChimp etc. A lot of emails will end up in SPAM/JUNK folders without them. You can continue to use Mailpoet with SendinBlue etc.

Even Mailpoet itself has a free mailing service for a certain number of subscribers.
Thank you so much!

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
Keep in mind, the above is the simplest way, but not really the "best" way. But it will do for the time being and collect a few subscribers.

But you really should switch to a 3rd party email processor like Mail Chimp, SendinBlue etc, soon.


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind, the above is the simplest way, but not really the "best" way. But it will do for the time being and collect a few subscribers.

But you really should switch to a 3rd party email processor like Mail Chimp, SendinBlue etc, soon.
Yeah now i understand, and I think i will use sendinblue, im reading their instruction to see if i can integrate my theme's default code with them, if not then i should use their subscription form, to solve my problem for now!

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
im reading their instruction to see if i can integrate my theme's default code with them
You can't use the themes default code. Scrap it. It is just there as a dummy "example" code so the subscribe box shows up on the footer. It's just there for "appearance".

i should use their subscription form
100% yes.

Then start a new thread asking for help on CSS code to change its appearance.
Specify what theme you are using and also paste a copy of the form code.
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Well-Known Member
You can't use the themes default code. Scrap it. It is just there as an "example".

100% yes.

Then start a new thread asking for help on CSS code to change its appearance.
Specify what theme you are using and also paste a copy of the form code.
Oh no, that default box looks so good :(
Okay I will after I finish creating it first, thank you

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
Oh no, that default box looks so good
It's easy enough to duplicate with custom CSS.

Do a bit of Googling and you could learn to do it yourself. It's a fairly simple process of copy/pasting and editing or adding values (height, borders, colors etc) by using the right click "Inspect" function of your Chrome Browser. All the CSS code of the page you are on is there. Including the subscription box code.

You just need to copy/paste it to Appearance>Customize>Additional CSS and make changes to it. You can even make changes in the console code and see the change straight away ... then copy/paste it. But changes in the console are only temporary. They will disappear after a page refresh. The changed code needs to be pasted into Additional CSS as above.

Hint: Select an object or text on the page with a mouse drag first then right click it and click "Inspect". Then it will show the code for that object. (Text, box, heading, pic etc)

Try it. Won't hurt. ;)


Well-Known Member
It's easy enough to duplicate with custom CSS.

Do a bit of Googling and you could learn to do it yourself. It's a fairly simple process of copy/pasting and editing or adding values (height, borders, colors etc) by using the right click "Inspect" function of your Chrome Browser. All the CSS code of the page you are on is there. Including the subscription box code. You just need to copy/paste it to Appearance>Customize>Additional CSS and make changes to it.

Hint: Select an object or text on the page with a mouse drag first then right click it and click "Inspect". Then it will show the code for that object. (Text, box, heading, pic etc)

Try it. Won't hurt. ;)
Okay I will! Thank you, sounds tempting to me :D

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
You could actually integrate a 3rd party form with the themes example form, but it would require a bit of editing and experimenting. It would be hard to find someone to do that. So using CSS is much simpler.

... unless you asked SendinBlue support to do it. Send them the themes code to alter. Who knows?


Well-Known Member
You could actually integrate a 3rd party form with the themes example form, but it would require a lot editing and experimenting. It would be hard to find someone to do that. So using CSS much simpler.
I know, Im still trying to find ways, and I just realize Sendinblue gives out the subscribe box kinda like the one with my theme, so that could work too. At least if I cant integrate the themes example form, I can use them as it's not as basic as Mailchimp. But the themes example form looks really clean i must say

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
Each piece of CSS code is on a separate line..

e.g Two pieces of different code...

span.sku_wrapper {
display: none !important;

.mejs-controls {
display: none !important;
visibility: hidden !important;

So make that an "enter", I guess. ;)