Strange Happenings - Change Variation Image = Out of Stock


New Member

So I noticed that a variation of a product did not have the proper image. So I deleted the image then uploaded the proper image. Then saved and updated product page.
Instantly, the product page at my store says the product is out of stock... which is not the case. I have checked all the variations and they all say "In Stock" and everything else seems normal.
As an experiment, I tried the same actions with a different product, removed image then installed image. Again the product (with multiple variations) says it is "Out of Stock"

What's going on here?
Can someone look into this please... seems there is something odd going on. This is a serious problem.



New Member
I just identified what the problem is for me anyway. I was using a plugin called "WooCommerce Country Restrictions - Advanced Pro "
I deactivated it and now all is fixed.