Speed Up WP Backend With Simple Tricks


So I've been using WP for a long time and i kept forgetting what setting i used. My host did a bunch of tuning, even had varnish etc, but it didn't help that the backend was slow.

Then i found out that, you just need to disable object caching on your caching plugin and they will speed up your admin area.

In my case, i used w3tc, and disabled it with a un-tick.

In other cases, you might also want to disable heartbeat with this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/heartbeat-control/

I didn't notice too much of a difference since i'm on a vps. But if you're in shared hosting, this will help.


New Member
So W3TC is working correctly for your site? In the instructions it said was incompatible so I used WP Super Cache but I have heard that it is broken and will be fixed on next update.


I don't know in what sense of "incompatible" were they referring to, as caching itself has alot of problems. I'll seek their clarification soon. But my host installs and configures it with their settings so i just went with it.


I contacted support, but they were unable to tell me exactly which part of the cache module do they "not support".

I hope they can give us a better answer than just saying not compatible, not supported etc. There must be a reason why it doesn't work.

There are lots of plugins out there, namely, some host uses their own cache plugin, and the w3tc is the most used ones for WP. My host uses w3tc as it's integration with WP installs. Wpengine uses their own, siteground uses supercacher, etc.

An even weird answer came back to me was "if your host install it, then it's ok"

So which is which ? Yes, No, Ok, Not Ok ?

Please explain in detail what is it that you are compatible with supercache and not any other cache plugin. Since we host and manage our own site, we are knowledgeable in this aspect and if you explain clearly, we will be more obliged to comply.


New Member
If you do get a straight answer could you post your final configuration settings please, or rather the ones to keep disabled? Personally, I'm not a fan of Super Cache and would like W3TC if I can.