[Sold!] Kid's Toys Niche Store for Sale - $46.73 from 5 sales - 315 Products

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New Member
Hi everyone!

I currently have a store in a niche of children's toys, and am interested in selling it. The reason for selling is due to having little to no time to run the store because of university studies, and full-time work -- both of which take up most of my time. The store has had a nice startup phase, however. Here are some details:

Niche: Kid's toys niche
Revenue: The store has generated $46.73 from 5 sales -- all from social media posts on FB and Instagram. I have not done any paid advertising.
Monetization methods: I have only used social media posting to generate revenue. I simply posted about the products to target specific audiences.
Number of products: The site currently has 315 products imported, and 82 in the import list to be edited. However, the 315 products have been the basis of the site's product portfolio for the time it's been up and running.
Logo: I have a high-quality logo that was custom made in the likeness of a kid-friendly mascot character.
Social Media following: The most significant following is on Facebook with 281 followers. Instagram has a smaller following, with only 24 followers. Both have generated sales from posts, however.
Alidropship Plugin Type: The site uses the standard Alidropship plugin platform, not the Woo version.
Domain: The site uses a .com domain, but I also have the .toys version as well. All domains of course will be included in the sale.

Notes: I feel as though the store can do well using advertising methods such as shoutouts, AdWords and social media advertising, but I'm much too busy at the moment to do the necessary market research for those. The aforementioned sales from social media posting are a good way to gauge the site's potential.

If you're interested, send me a PM and I will provide the link and other details. I live in Northern Europe, so please keep that in mind with my response time when enquiring, but I will definitely respond to all enquiries!

Thanks, and have an awesome day/night!
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