Social Rabbit Valid OAuth redirect URIs


FB recently forced "Use Strict Mode for Redirect URIs" Activated for new apps. Hence the "Valid OAuth redirect URIs" is specifically required for Facebook Login Product when used for Social Rabbit. What would be the URL in this case?

Default : Store URL is not working.

Mairon Benevides

New Member

I change my website to use HTTPS to be according new secutiry determinations from facebook.

I discover that redirect_api field sent in URL by Socialrabbit is not mount this URL with HTTPS, only HTTP.

I tested forcing URL direct in browser, changing HTTP for HTTPS, and I could receive the corret Facebook screen.

Example of URL with correction:

By this way facebook do not alarm about you have to use HTTPS.

I am until waitting for response from support to corret this point.

Mairon Benevides

New Member
Match! Resolved!

To have it working I edited a information direct in database.

1.Go to Dabase, table OPTIONS (shold have some prefix, like my case wp0d_options).
2.Search for row with option_name = 'sr-settings'.
3.Edit the content of OPTION_VALUE field. Sear for http://yourdomain... and chance for https://yourdomain... - keep all the rest untouchable.

I used phpMyAdmin from CPanel do make the changes. Be careful to maintain all the information corret. I sugest you make a backup of this long data field.

After save change, go to Admin Panel and try to do authentication (clik Auth on page with 3 steps).

Important: I put in login facebook app, Redicet OAuth, simply

If you install socialrabbit before change to HTTS, this record keep the old information (HTTP://). Doen'st matter if you unstall and install again.

workaround: We must change the site to HTTPS before install SocialRabbit. The plugin takes the wordpress configurated URL and write. If you change the website URL, this information keep old.

Tip for development team: this informatition should be dynamic.
Last edited:


Match! Resolved!

To have it working I edited a information direct in database.

1.Go to Dabase, table OPTIONS (shold have some prefix, like my case wp0d_options).
2.Search for row with option_name = 'sr_settings'.
3.Edit the content of OPTION_VALUE field. Sear for http://yourdomain... and chance for https://yourdomain... - keep all the rest untouchable.

I used phpMyAdmin from CPanel do make the changes. Be careful to maintain all the information corret. I sugest you make a backup of this long data field.

After save change, go to Admin Panel and try to do authentication (clik Auth on page with 3 steps).

Important: I put in login facebook app, Redicet OAuth, simply

If you install socialrabbit before change to HTTS, this record keep the old information (HTTP://). Doen'st matter if you unstall and install again.

workaround: We must change the site to HTTPS before install SocialRabbit. The plugin takes the wordpress configurated URL and write. If you change the website URL, this information keep old.

Tip for development team: this informatition should be dynamic.
i do not find option_name ="sr_settings". Where is it?


I found option_name = "sr-settings", not "sr_settings".
The content of OPTION_VALUE shows only "https://....".
I did not change this content, it is already standard.
But how did you resolve?


The issue was resolved!
I did not change the database. Maybe Facebook has fixed the problem.