Social Rabbit Facebook Product Poster Image Cropped in Facebook


New Member
Hey dropshippers, hope you are all having great time selling online :)

I have an issue with posting products on facebook. The problem is that the woocommerce product images are more like a rectangle and when auto posted on facebook, it get cropped and doesn't look well on facebook. Manual resizing and setting image for open graph is not a solution because of the large number of products. Have anyone found a plugin that automatically resizes opengraph images, so it fits well on facebook?

I've googled this many hours, but haven't found anything.



New Member
Or at least if someone have found a way to use Social Rabbit to auto post with just image and link only in the description. To be honest I don't like the Facebook auto link open graph image. When posting manually on facebook, I can choose to show just image and don't show the link below the image.