Shipping Fee


New Member

I just started dropshipping and using Alidropship

as I am testing my product and order, when I tried to order, and then on checkout, what do you suggest to use on shipping? currently, it's using FLATE RATE 7.99 from Woocommerce i don't know how that calculates, I tried to create a Free Shipping method but what if there's a shipping fee on the Ali express site? I don't want to shell out another money to cover the shipping fee. I saw AliShipping plugin maybe is the answer, I will use it when I earn on my shop, but is there anyone using another method?


Well-Known Member

I just started dropshipping and using Alidropship

as I am testing my product and order, when I tried to order, and then on checkout, what do you suggest to use on shipping? currently, it's using FLATE RATE 7.99 from Woocommerce i don't know how that calculates, I tried to create a Free Shipping method but what if there's a shipping fee on the Ali express site? I don't want to shell out another money to cover the shipping fee. I saw AliShipping plugin maybe is the answer, I will use it when I earn on my shop, but is there anyone using another method?
If you want to have your mind easy ..better install the alishipping .