Setting up discounted prices?


New Member
Hello, there is a way to setup a discount price for every product?
What I mean is: Let's say I importa a product that cost 1$
Then with the pricing option I want to sell the item at 15$.

But how can I import the item and setting up the price at 25$, and then showing this item at a crazy 40% discount, so listed at 15$ (like said before)?
Because I can't change the % discount on the item imported and I have no idea what to do.

Real Residual

Active Member
The discount is basically a simple math equation from your regular price to your sales price. If the regular price is $100 and the sales price is $60, then it will automatically show a 40% discount. Just adjust your prices accordingly and the discount will adjust automatically too.

Of course, the regular price is suggested by the vendors at aliexpress. If there are no suggestions, it will be the same as your sales price. Your sales price is determined by the pricing formula in settings.