Selecting the products on your shop frontpage by customizing (or hacking) the theme


Has anyone successfully customized the PHP for the themes in order to select the products that appear on the frontpage? We use the DaVinci 2.0 theme, which has the sections Top selling products, Best deals, and New arrivals. The products to appear are preselected and seem to mainly depend on the number of sold products, the discount percentage, and the date added. These can all be edited and customized in Alidropship. However, keeping the setting on for overnight pricing updates will reset the number of sold products and the discount percentage to whatever the settings the shop on AliExpress. If you buy from a shop that hasn't bothered to set discounts those products will disappear every night from your frontpage, and you will end up having it populated by another shop that have hugely inflated discounts that are untrue.

Long story short, how do you fix the fields discount percentage and number of sold? We absolutely do not want the theme to pick the products we present on the frontpage, but we do want prices to be updated each night.