Search for products by suppliers and import list product status


It would be really helpful if we can do search for all products by suppliers. This way we can easily remove products by certain suppliers if their service is bad. Also, can we set all freshly imported products to be viewable by admin/editors only, please? Currently products are shown to all as soon as they're imported with info we dont want to show our visitors.



Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
Currently products are shown to all as soon as they're imported with info we dont want to show our visitors.
If you are using the Chrome plugin they should be imported to the "Import List" and unpublished. You have to edit them them, then publish them. You can also edit them at Aliexpress before you import them ... but you still have to publish them back at your site. Until you publish them, they can't be seen in the front end shop.

If your site is not doing that ... there is something wrong.


Ill double check again but yes they are imported to the imporr list but they are visible to all immediately if i did not miss anything. Ill double check and be back


It would be really helpful if we can do search for all products by suppliers. This way we can easily remove products by certain suppliers if their service is bad. Also, can we set all freshly imported products to be viewable by admin/editors only, please? Currently products are shown to all as soon as they're imported with info we dont want to show our visitors.



Hello, pinno! This thread describes the similar suggestion. Thank you!