Retain Product Customisation after Updating Products


When adding a product to the store part of my work flow is to check the listing's details and streamline them.

I will remove the AliExpress discount (Old Price), fix Product Variation Titles and remove product variation images that include watermarks from the seller on AliExpress.

Now let's say that I want to update the quantity and the prices of the products in the store. If I go to the plugin and Update all products then along with the prices all my customizations are going to return to what they were when I imported them.

I belive there should be an option to select which values get updated and not the whole product page.


Staff member
It will add all variations again. I recommend that you disable these items from update when you make such changes. However, we will add a feature in next release to update only variations that are presented on your store, but with prices it will be not possible anyway.