Resident Proxies! Pia, ABC, 922, 9, IP2World Proxy - Selling quality proxies || 911 proxy alternative

Pia Proxy
200 IPs - $13
400 IPs - $26
800 IPs - $47

1600 IPs - $90
ABC Proxy
200 IPs - $12,4
IPs - $18
IPs - $26
800 IPs - $47
1600 IPs - $88
25 IPs - $2
50 IPs - $3,6
100 IPs - $7

200 IPs - $11
400 IPs - $21
800 IPs - $43
1200 IPs - $50

2000 IPs - $75
922 Proxy
300 IPs - $18
400 IPs -
800 IPs -

Quantity - unlimited
More than 200 Countries.
Proxies are suitable for Traffic Arbitration, Youtube, Anonymity, Website Testing, etc.

We are ready to offer you access to high-quality Pia Proxy servers at prices that you will not find on official websites!

Click the link and choose your plan today
Shop: @ProxyUniverseBot
Support: @ProxyUniverse
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How to use PIA S5 Proxy in Dolphin

1) Select the appropriate Proxy IP, country, city, zip, ping
2) Press the RMB (Right Mouse Button)
3) Select the "Forward Port To Proxy" item from the suggested list and select any available port
4) Next, click on the "Port Forwarding List" button, copy the selected slot (under the "Copy" column)
5) Create a new profile in Dolphin, select "NEW PROXY"
6) Instead of HTTP, switch to SOCKS5 and paste the copied proxy port in the field that appears (CTRL + V)
7) Next, click on the "Check connection" button. We check the substituted proxies.
8) After success, a green check mark and the IP address of the proxy should appear
9) At the end, click on the "CREATE" button

For an illustrative example, use this video (

✈️ @ProxyUniverseNews
✈️ @ProxyUniverseBot​
How to use 9Proxy in Dolphin

1) Select the appropriate Proxy IP, country, city, zip, ping
2) Press the RMB (Right Mouse Button)
3) Select the "Forward Port To Proxy" item from the suggested list and select any available port
4) Next, click on the "Port Forwarding List" button, copy the selected slot (under the "Copy" column)
5) Create a new profile in Dolphin, select "NEW PROXY"
6) Instead of HTTP, switch to SOCKS5 and paste the copied proxy port in the field that appears (CTRL + V)
7) Next, click on the "Check connection" button. We check the substituted proxies.
8) After success, a green check mark and the IP address of the proxy should appear
9) At the end, click on the "CREATE" button

For an illustrative example, use this video (
Instructions for Setting Up PIA Proxy with Firefox

Open Firefox and Go to Settings:
Click the menu (three horizontal lines) in the top right corner.
Select "Settings" ⚙️

Configure Network Settings:
Scroll down to the "General" section.
Find "Network Settings" and click "Settings"

Set Up Proxy:
Select "Manual proxy configuration".
Enter the proxy you copied from the PIA app, e.g., and port 40000.

Save Settings:
Click "OK" to save

Check the connection:
Go to the website to verify that your proxy is working.
If the page displays information about your country/city, the proxy connection is successful! ✅

For an illustrative example, use this video (
Please be cautious! Recently, a scammer has appeared that uses a fake bot. For your safety, always verify our official contacts and correspondence.

✈️ Our contacts:
Referral rewards system has been added.

✉️ Get bonuses for your friends! Share your referral link with a friend and receive 4% of their purchases on the store's balance!

✈️ With love, @ProxyUniverseBot


Finding a suitable alternative is always a hassle, but from what I’ve seen, sticky residential proxies offer excellent performance and solid security. They’re a good choice to avoid the headaches of less reliable proxies. I’ve been using sticky residential proxies for a while now, and I can’t recommend them enough if you’re looking for quality and reliability. They’re perfect if you need something consistent and stable, unlike other options that might not deliver the best performance.