register business


New Member
is it possible to do a dropship business without a registered business? I've tried it in the past few years but it's very hard to find payment gateway to accept you.
for EU citizen is it better to register a business in Europe (UK or Romania) or USA (Delaware)? what do you think about this?


Active Member
Use personal PayPal first and if you see some abandoned checkouts, then register your business.

Note that by law, you are required to open a Tax File before you actually start working.


New Member
Hello jubran thanks for your answer!
But when you see abandoned checkouts it is too late to register your business, because payments are coming and coming and have to refund them all, buyers will lose their trust to that website.
So I want to ask if are they drophippers from Europe and if are they registered their business in Europe or USA? What's the cons?


Active Member
Well that's a very little risk you might want to take because it's worth it. Don't invest before you actually know it is worth (you have the chance to know).

If you're from mainly west Europe, you have no problem unless the taxes are very high. Most of other Europe lack of good payment gateways so they tend to register LLC in the US.