Randomly getting "baguetteBox" undefined


New Member
Randomly getting "baguetteBox" undefined script errors on single-product.php pages.

Are the scripts registered and enqueued properly?

Getting other script errors too, but this is the most annoying and affects sales.

Davinci Theme v0.11.10

Ekaterina Sayapina

Randomly getting "baguetteBox" undefined script errors on single-product.php pages.

Are the scripts registered and enqueued properly?

Getting other script errors too, but this is the most annoying and affects sales.

Davinci Theme v0.11.10
Hello Khairul,
Is there a chance you use a child theme? Please pm me your domain name.

Ekaterina Sayapina

You might have forgot to add some scripts to your child theme. Please note that child themes are third-party products and AliDropship team can't technically support them.


New Member
Fixed it; had to dequeue and enqueue on my own child theme.

Now left with 2 more script errors that will randomly appear:
  1. script.js:877 $("#blog_cat").selectpicker(),
    $.selectpicker() is not a function
  2. addReview.js:32 $("#review-file-upload").fileupload(),
    $.fileupload() is not a function
I'll see if it's dequeue-able.