Question About Automated Updates


This is a newbie question, since I've only started to tinker with my new AliDropship plugin a few days ago.
(I'm still in the process of exploring the functions and capabilities at this point).

Let's say I import 50 selected items from my favorite suppliers in China.

The initial steps I perform are as follows:

Step #1 - I Correct all the spelling and grammar/syntax errors from the content (description etc)
Step #2 - I Remove all unrelated image ads (usually found towards the bottom)
Step #3 - I make corrections and I optimize important tags (Title, Description etc)
Step #4 - I make sure the URL corresponds to the item sold.

(On my Settings I have chosen NOT to upload product images on my server)

My question is:

If a product is updated automatically and it's synced with one of my existing products, do I lose any of the changes I've made OR the ONLY fields that are UPDATED are PRICE & AVAILABLE STOCK (like it mentions on the Update Setting Tab)?

I hate to hypothesize after putting in all this hard work, so your feedback would be very valuable.

Thanks in advance for your time
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New Member
Only the Price & available stock are updated. What I would like is an Option for the Quantity but Not the Price to update. Sometimes I would want to create my custom prices for certain items that don't follow the pricing formulas, but if a product goes out of stock I want my stock to reflect that too.