Products Not Show In 'Best Deals'

Victoria Kudryashova

Is there a way to get products listed in the 'Best Deals' section of the homepage?
There's a way to do it manually for each product by editing a product and changing Product price and/or Sale price (products with the biggest difference between Product price and Sale price will be displayed in Best Deals)


Hey Victoria.

Yeah I tried That But It Isn't Showing up.

I've got 4 products . Do I need more for it to show?

Victoria Kudryashova

I have the same problem with the best deals section. Any ideas? thks
Hello, please add more products. The system works in that way that products shouldn't be duplicate in these 3 sections. When you will have enough products you will see in the Top Selling Products items that were ordered more often. So, if you want to see some specific products in this section you may put the biggest amount of orders for this product in Product Options -> General.
Best Deals - the products that have the biggest amount.
New arrivals - the products that were added recently.