Picasso Theme Update


Ekaterina Sayapina

Picasso (current version 1.2.0)

Major changes: now you can show not only your featured product but also other items and product categories.

Your Homepage is still dedicated to your featured product. Visitors will have a chance to explore your store using the header navigation.
Add product categories in your WP Dashboard → Appearance → Menus. Make sure you have 'Main menu' as your menu display location.

Picasso-–-Single-Product-Theme-For-AliDropship-–-Perfect-For-Single-Product-Ecommerce-Store (1).png

Now all your products have their own page. You'll find customization options in the new Product Settings tab in your Customization.

picasso product page.jpg

This is how your theme will look on mobile:

Picasso Update Mobile.png

With the updated version of the Picasso theme, you can now go beyond one-product store keeping your Homepage different from what other themes have to offer.