PAYNAMICS - Payment Gateway for Philippines

I am hoping that ALIDROPSHIP would add this in their PAYMENT GATEWAY facility. I like the themes that they have and i dont want to start all over again.
I've started all over again several times (with several sites, not just one) over the past couple of years as I've learnt more. Sometimes one has to do what one has to do.
Thanks.... what is the theme you are using in WOO COMMERCE. If we migrate, our products and product category configuration will be retain.

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
what is the theme you are using in WOO COMMERCE.
Flatsome (A paid theme)
If we migrate, our products and product category configuration will be retain.
You can't migrate anything from the Original plugin to the Woo version. They both use a totally different database structure. You need to start from scratch.

If you use the search above, you will find this has been discussed many times.
Flatsome (A paid theme)

You can't migrate anything from the Original plugin to the Woo version. They both use a totally different database structure. You need to start from scratch.

If you use the search above, you will find this has been discussed many times.

Hi, i started a new site with FLATSOME and woo now.

Can you please recommend the plugins that i can use together with this theme (FLATSOME) and ALIDROPSHIPWOO?

And if possible (if its okay), some advice on what i should be looking at some challenges that you might already encounter and fix?
If its okay of course.


And if possible (if its okay), some advice on what i should be looking at some challenges that you might already encounter and fix?
If its okay of course
This is a never ending question. You need to see the documentation of the theme. Nobody can give you everything you need to know.


Is the PAYNAMICS Woocommerce plugin OK?
I am not sure if the guy who requested Paynamics integration in the original plugin did some research. Paynamics charge the equivalent of USD700.00 for the setup. The company is full of greed. I got in touch with the company, I was shocked to learn. Told them when I setup PayPal, i did not spend a cent. Before anybody request a payment gateway integration, a research should be made, other wise it would be a waste of time integrating the payment gateway that nobody would sign up.



I wish people would do a bit of research before they did anything. ;)

I'd be typing "Philippines Woocommerce Payment Gateway" into Google.
Below is the details I received from the company. The company is full of greed. I am sure you will have more if you sign up with them.
