Pagespeed, LCP on Single Product Page for different Themes?


Active Member
Hello, I would be interested if the Alidropship themes have different pagespeed results? (Especially the LCP - largest contentful paint - in the single product page).

Do the Themes all have the same "architecture" and just different styles - or is there more on it?

Maybe someone knows or has experiences?

Thank you,


Active Member
Hello, I would be interested if the Alidropship themes have different pagespeed results? (Especially the LCP - largest contentful paint - in the single product page).

Do the Themes all have the same "architecture" and just different styles - or is there more on it?

Maybe someone knows or has experiences?

Thank you,
Hi! Andy and Frida one of the fastest of our themes


Active Member
Thanks , but this does not help at all with my question....

Could I expect better loading times with the newer themes in comparison to the older ones? How much improvement might there be?

How much did you improve in the newer Themes in the things we cannot see?

I can only compare the stylings and customizer options, which is quite an effort itself because there is no compared overview.

Indeed I always thought that, except the styling, all your Themes are more or less the same (in the background), because they all have the same pricing....

It would be very helpful if you could create some kind of table overview on your Homepage, which makes it possible to compare the features of the single Themes.

Thank you for some more info.