Other shared hosting where plugin can run smoothly?


Can I ask for other shared hosting that alidropship plugin works well aside from the company hosting?
Ipage cannot help me, im sure there were other ipage clients that bumped into issues like cannot activate license due to curl version.

Responses are much appreciated.

Thank you.

Ekaterina Sayapina

I am with ipage, stuck and not working. they have old curl version.
Please get in touch with your host’s support team with the request to update their cURL library to the latest version. You get these errors because ipage cURLs are outdated.


Active Member
They have a 30 day money back guarantee, if you bought the hosting recently ask for a refund and change the host. They won't update the cURL of the server just because one customer asked too.
They have a 30 day money back guarantee, if you bought the hosting recently ask for a refund and change the host. They won't update the cURL of the server just because one customer asked too.

Its more than 30 days. Technically, updates are supposed to be a standard. :)