Order export



Sometimes we have manually products and we really need the order export feature to export orders and send to supplier. And also it's good for accountant either.
When I export the orders csv, the unit price and tracking numbers are not filled in. Can you fix this? I have to fill it in manually at the moment.


Victoria Kudryashova


Jonathan Geange

New Member
I don't understand? So the tracking numbers aren't exported on purpose?
I want the tracking data in the spreadsheet, not necessarily the price :)

Max Wolf

New Member
Would it be possible to export in one file woocommerce order id, aliexpress order id, value paid on aliexpress ? It need asap a report to settle sales for accounting :-(


New Member
Would be a great and also necessary update, adding the invoice print feature. Because till now the only way is through they email we receive after an order completion. Also this will be easy for accounting purposes! :)