No sales, please review my store


New Member
Hi everyone,

Can you please review and give feedback on my store. I am thinking to diversify the product into yoga apparel and stuffs as I do not get sales yet. I run FB ads for a week no sales yet. Appreciate.

Thank you.


New Member
Hi, on my my experience i can say that the biggest part of the success of you site depens on the promotion... I think you must improve facebook and instagram promotion, buyers will find you more releiable and professional if you have a lot of facebook likes ;)


Active Member
Can you please review and give feedback on my store. I am thinking to diversify the product into yoga apparel and stuffs as I do not get sales yet. .

Any updates to share Citra?

Made progress on sales or FB ads profit?

Looking at your site, I can see that it's a niche necklace site or so I thought because only necklace products are on the home page.

Then I click, your Products menu link and see that you also sell rings, bracelets, and earrings!

~ Is there a reason why these other products aren't on the home page?
Should a potential customer come looking for a ring let's say and doesnt see any, they'd click off and you have lost sale

~ I did place my email address when I scrolled to the bottom and got redirected to your website Subscription page with no instructions or directions telling me what will happen next + checking my email folders, there's no confirmation of receiving any email from you has arrived. (Checked my inbox and spam folder)

~ I clicked your bottom images expecting to be directed to Instagram (well they looked liked Instagram postings) and I was directed back to the top of the home page. This means links to go to your Instagram page arent working


~ If you were to go into yoga selling, where would you place those products? On the home page or hidden in the Product list like the rings, bracelets and earrings? If so, I wouldnt know you sold yoga stuff unless your advert took me directly to those product pages.

~ After having another look just now, have you thought of a tagline to place under the logo/heading of AUM Creation? Say this because, arriving at your site, and even on your About Us page, you dont give much away what the AUM Creation represents, does or sells. A tagline may tell me though;)