I have not made any sale since i launched my site. www.martzunex.com. Pls i need advice from u guys. thanks
looks like a generic store that sells everything without specific niche.
how do you promote it? what products are you focusing on?
Its a generic store
i need help?
People NOT doing this is the BIGGEST reason why people's stores fail. REALLY. Don't listen to the idiots claiming general/generic stores are OK. They simply ARE NOT. You CANNOT compete with eBAY/Amazon. Don't even try. Do some research and you will find that just about ALL the "gurus" out there agree.1. Do a bit of research via the Alidropship blogs, Google and Youtube and actually HEED the commonly known advice and get a NICHE store
Also, that store name is totally meaningless. Use a store name that gives a clue as to what you are selling. It's much better for SEO reasons and getting organic traffic. e.g "dandydogclothes.com" ... pretty easy to guess what they are selling, right? And if someone typed "dog clothes" into Google, you'd stand a much better chance of being higher up in the search results.
Actually, there are some possible exceptions, like targeting huge, slightly less advanced markets like India etc. But if you're targeting more advanced 1st world countries, forget it.Don't listen to the idiots claiming general/generic stores are OK. They simply ARE NOT.
thanks so much.1. Do a bit of research via the Alidropship blogs, Google and Youtube and actually LISTEN to the commonly known advice and get a NICHE store.
2. Scrap the current store completely.
3. Use research from #1 and make a narrowly targeted niche store. Preferably based on something you have at least some interest in.
4. Start adding extra value content with blogs and videos etc.
5. Add entertaining, informative content to your social media accounts every day.
6. Try a couple of Instagram shoutouts with influencers who are based on the niche you chose.
Because social media is the MAIN way to promote stores these days and the fact that many social media accounts are based on niche interests, it's hard to find any "influencers", groups or pages that are interested in "generic" stuff. (Pretty much impossible, really)
But the NUMBER ONE thing you should do before anything else is ...
People NOT doing this is the BIGGEST reason why people's stores fail. REALLY. Don't listen to the idiots claiming general/generic stores are OK. They simply ARE NOT. You CANNOT compete with eBAY/Amazon. Don't even try. Do some research and you will find that just about ALL the "gurus" out there agree.
Also, that store name is totally meaningless. Use a store name that gives a clue as to what you are selling. It's much better for SEO reasons and getting organic traffic. e.g "dandydogclothes.com" ... pretty easy to guess what they are selling, right? And if someone typed "dog clothes" into Google, you'd stand a much better chance of being higher up in the search results.
Get to work.