Need help to start Dropping and earn lots of money


New Member

I am K.Sujatha from India...I would like to do Drop Shipping..
I need thorough details A-Z about Drop Shipping to begin and earn lots of money..
How to find success in Drop Shipping?
How do i make huge profits?
I want full details...

Please help me with simple explanation...

Thanks & regards



I am K.Sujatha from India...I would like to do Drop Shipping..
I need thorough details A-Z about Drop Shipping to begin and earn lots of money..
How to find success in Drop Shipping?
How do i make huge profits?
I want full details...

Please help me with simple explanation...

Thanks & regards
There is no simple explanation and you prepare for lots of disappointments.


New Member
Dear Mar,

Thats okay, if it is not simple...But i need to learn successfully the tips, ideas and earn money....I need help for the same...Thank u


Active Member
Hi Sujatha,

I see these topics come by every day.. Everyone here wants (or needs) the thorough details, but the thing is, you really got to do your own research. Noone is going to give it to you just like that.

When i began, i had no clue either where to begin, writing down my thoughts and questions and later get them answered by doing research, that helped me in growing a bit.

These things can help you get in the right way:
- Write questions down that pop up in your head, each and everytime when building and/or maintaining your online store.
- Think about what your plans are and what your goals are. Best to keep to your goals. Having deadlines keeps you more active on the subject.
- Write down the questions, things you are insecure about or have little knowledge but want to know more.
- Do research on Alidropship, Google, YouTube, other forums. Search for marketing strategy's. See how others do it.
- Save links, interact in forums/Facebook Pages/Reddit.. you name it. Absorb all the needed information.

To find success in dropshipping you will have to try things you have never done before. This includes risking (spending) money when you have no idea if you make any sales. By trying you will get insights in order to move on to the next obstacle that's in your way!