My Price Formula - Is it High or Is It Low?


Active Member
I need someones opinion & help.

What can you say about my Price Formula? Is it High or is it Low? Considering all the factors (that i actually did not know for now because im new to this kind of business) such expenses?

0.1 > 4.99 * 2.3
5 > 10.99 * 2.2
11 > 15.99 * 2.1
16 > 20.99 * 2
21 > 25.99 * 1.9
26 > 30.99 * 1.8
31 > 35.99 * 1.7
36 > 40.99 * 1.6
41 > 45.99 * 1.5
46 > 50.99 * 1.4


Me too. But everything is about what kind of products you sell, how much competition there are, etc.
This. Depends on the perceived value. Using universal price formulas is very bad, it could work if we all had the same niche, and the same niche products.
Moreover,you don't have to be the cheapest to sell. Depends on how your present the product.


New Member
This. Depends on the perceived value. Using universal price formulas is very bad, it could work if we all had the same niche, and the same niche products.
Moreover,you don't have to be the cheapest to sell. Depends on how your present the product.

As I wrote: But everything is about what kind of products you sell, how much competition there are, etc.