Hi everybody,
I would like to share with you my progress on my first website. Here is the link: https://madaycoration.com/
Do you have any advice, remark on the design? the products?
I know that this maybe not your native language but your general impression is also important to me.
I'am aware that the wedding niche is a "one shot" niche and this is certainly not the best to take first but here I am
I'm earning experience anyway!
I want to test now the products but I have a couple of questions :
- Do we need to have a facebook page with a lot of content and like before starting the ad campagne?
- How do you proceed to test the pottential of the product at the creation of a new store when the community is not yet created?
Thanks you very much for your feedback,
I would like to share with you my progress on my first website. Here is the link: https://madaycoration.com/
Do you have any advice, remark on the design? the products?
I know that this maybe not your native language but your general impression is also important to me.
I'am aware that the wedding niche is a "one shot" niche and this is certainly not the best to take first but here I am
I'm earning experience anyway!
I want to test now the products but I have a couple of questions :
- Do we need to have a facebook page with a lot of content and like before starting the ad campagne?
- How do you proceed to test the pottential of the product at the creation of a new store when the community is not yet created?
Thanks you very much for your feedback,