Hi everybody,
I would like to share with you my progress on my store. Here is the link: https://gadgetuls.com
Do you have any advice, remark on the design? the products? Let me know on which aspect I need to improve.
I've been having my store for about 3 months. I've been applying a lot of tricks and strategies (backlinks, articles, more products, marketing) to improve my web store and found no success in converting sales. I've have tried a few instagram paid shotouts and facebook ads but no sucess.
Well, my last hope is to invest google Adwords and lower the prices. And one more thing, if you have a dropshipping storie with sucess in sales, can you post here in the commentary to me see, because I'd like to compare with mine.
Thanks you very much for your feedback,
I would like to share with you my progress on my store. Here is the link: https://gadgetuls.com
Do you have any advice, remark on the design? the products? Let me know on which aspect I need to improve.
I've been having my store for about 3 months. I've been applying a lot of tricks and strategies (backlinks, articles, more products, marketing) to improve my web store and found no success in converting sales. I've have tried a few instagram paid shotouts and facebook ads but no sucess.
Well, my last hope is to invest google Adwords and lower the prices. And one more thing, if you have a dropshipping storie with sucess in sales, can you post here in the commentary to me see, because I'd like to compare with mine.
Thanks you very much for your feedback,