migrar de Alidropship hacia Alidropship woo

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New Member
Topic already covered in *** READ FIRST BEFORE POSTING A NEW THREAD ***
Buenos días compañeros,

quisiera saber como emigrar del plugin alidropship a alidropship woo ya que he tenido algunos problemas, tienen algún tutorial para hacerlo mejor.

estoy usando el tema Shopper.


Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
Please try to make a small amount of effort and use the search function above. This question has been asked dozens of times already.
See this sticky post: https://forum.alidropship.com/threads/read-first-before-posting-a-new-thread.14934/

But for one final time, I will answer it. You cannot migrate from Original to Woo. The database tables are completely different. You have to build your Woo store from scratch.

Also, this is an English language forum. Please spend a few seconds using Google Translate. Leaving it up to the forum members to translate your post is lazy, inconsiderate and rude.


New Member
Good morning companions,

I would like to know how to migrate from the alidropship plugin to alidropship woo since it had some problems, they have some tutorial to do it better.

I am using the Shopper theme.

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