Menu and Categories problem


New Member

I don't know if this is a real technical issue or a suggestion...

I refer to the menu at the starting page and the menu on the /product page.


There you can see all categories which I have and you see for example boy clothes, girl clothes and shoes as an independant menu point.

But in the categories they look like that:
and that is what I want on the starting page.

Further at the categories the menu will be too big if I add several menus under the parent Clothing. I think something like drop down and hiding would be nice...

Can you help me?

Best regards

Eric S.

Active Member
I was a confused by this at first too. The Categories are controlled by the ones you create. The main menu is setup in Appearance/Menus. In the dropdown at the top select 'Main Menu' and adjust the structure as desired. Hope this helps.


New Member
Great, I found it.

So there is only the suggestion to fold/collapse (I don't know the correct english word :D) the submenus like in the second screenshot with "Boy Clothes", "Girl Clothes" and "Shoes". With these three submenus it's okay but I have circa 10 in mind which should be under "Clothes".

Eric S.

Active Member
In the menu editor under Structure, click and drag the menu item under the category you want it to fall under and indent it to the right. That will make it a submenu item.


New Member
Yes, sure. But the submenues are always shown, you can see it on my second screenshot. This makes the whole menu unclearly if I add several more submenus to every parent menu...

Eric S.

Active Member
The second screenshot is of the categories list which does indeed show all the sub-categories. You have to do some javascript work to make those expand and collapse. However, it will not be that way in the top menu (first screenshot). The submenus do not show up there until you hover over them if you make them submenus in the Menu Editor.