Landing Pages Add-On Update (New Template Added!)


Ekaterina Sayapina

Landing Pages (ver. 1.0.6)

We're thrilled to present a new ready-made template! The Contest / Giveaway template is designed to increase brand awareness by leveraging word-of-mouth marketing strategy and growing your email list at the same time. Contest and giveaways show fantastic results when it comes to going viral on social media. They create a buzz around your brand, inspire interest, and generate leads.


The Contest template consists of two screens that are stored in one URL. Thanks to the fact that the page address does not change, your visitor won’t have to wait when a new page loads. That's what we call a smooth user experience!

The contest screen
When a person lands on your landing page, they are offered to enter the contest by sharing your contest page on social media or submitting their email address.

Contest Landing Page.jpg

By default, the contest screen is divided into two columns:
  • The left-hand column features a large image;
  • The right-hand column shows contest description, social buttons, a sign-up form, rules, customer reviews, etc.
The featured image is fixed and stay in the same place when you scroll the page. The front-end builder offers an extensive customization options for images that do not comply with the recommended sizes. By default, small / vertical / horizontal images are displayed at their original dimensions and proportions. To handle the white space aspect in a more aesthetic way, you might want to blur the image background.

blur images.jpg

With the Fit the column option enabled, your featured image will be resized to fit its container. Its proportions will stay the same but the extra parts that don't fit the column will be cut.

image fits to column.jpg

The Contest template offers 5 options you can benefit from to capture leads:
  1. Facebook like button. This button is used to like a Facebook Page. Once people hit the button the like button will change its status to "Liked" and show the like count message (E.g. "You and 3, 561 like this").
  2. Facebook share button. With this button, visitors can post your contest landing page on their Facebook.
  3. Tweet Button. With this button, visitors can share your landing page on Twitter.
  4. Pinterest Save button. With this button, visitors can save your landing page from your website to Pinterest.
  5. The Mailchimp sign-up form. Your visitors' emails will be sent straight to your Mailchimp audience.
mailchimp form.png

The entry confirmation screen
Upon email submission, the visitor is brought to the entry confirmation screen. Here you have a chance not only to thank your visitors for taking part in your contest but also send them to your Homepage (or any other page) to explore your products.

entry confirmation page.jpg

Unlike other pre-made template the Landing Pages add-on offers, the Contest template is not linked to a product. Its main goal is not to sell an item but to get people talking about your brand on social media and collect email addresses.
Please check out the detailed guide to learn how to customize the Contest template.

I'd love to know what you think about the Contest template! Please feel free to post a comment below or send me a pm.


  • mailchimp form.png
    mailchimp form.png
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New Member
Hello, how do we edit the countdown timer so the contest or giveaway runs for longer than 24 hours?

i have tried adding 7 days in minutes but the timer maxes at 24 hours

Ekaterina Sayapina

Hello, how do we edit the countdown timer so the contest or giveaway runs for longer than 24 hours?

i have tried adding 7 days in minutes but the timer maxes at 24 hours

Thank you for your question!
I'm afraid this option is not available at the moment. We'll add this in the next add-on update, which is expected at the end of the month. I understand how important it is to be able to manage your timer. Thank you for your patience.
By the way, you're more than welcome to request features you think might come in handy ;)