Instagram Issue

New Member
Since a few days I have issues with the plugin cutting the Instagram connection. The error message says "You'll need to update Instagram to the latest version before you can use the app. "
This error message doesn't make any sense to me. I am able to login via browser to my account just fine.


Staff member
If you have any issues authorizing Instagram, connect Instagram and Facebook on both sides and InstagramApi sections will be authorized automatically.


New Member
I want to use the full Instagram connection for the followers, etc - but I am having the problem that Instragram throws doesn't allow login through SocialRabbit, thinking its fraud - can you implement a way for us to be able to pass the challenges instragram throws when trying to login. Like you would have to with another device?


Staff member
Hi, use InstagramApi in this case, it works through the tools of Facebook API n( Instagram and Facebook should be connected on the both sides).
I want to use the full Instagram connection for the followers, etc - but I am having the problem that Instragram throws doesn't allow login through SocialRabbit, thinking its fraud - can you implement a way for us to be able to pass the challenges instragram throws when trying to login. Like you would have to with another device?


New Member
Instagram API doesn't have mutual promotion or promoter, etc - thats one of the main reasons I paid for SocialRabbit in the first place. Also your facebook api needs updating - it doesn't support business accounts linked to facebook pages and instagram pages.


New Member
Honestly, I would just try to update Instagram, regardless the fact that login is possible, and see if it fixes the issue. Many times different updates to the latest version solved problems for me.