Images in product gallery instead of description


New Member
Hi All!
@Alidropship developers... great job guys!

It would be great if there is the possibility to upload images into product gallery instead of description, I really hate scrolling and scrolling again like happen in Aliexpress, I would build an ecommerce handy and easily to navigate also from smartphone, so it's a requisite for me and I would avoid to download every images and upload them again into product gallery for every products. You think it's possible to achieve this goal?

Really thanks!


Active Member
Images are already in the media library. Just delete them from the description and add them from the media library..done.


New Member
Not in woocommerce version, and not in automatic way. Do it manually for all products sounds crazyo_O


And only in media library if you choose the option to import all images to the site (which is not the default setting)


New Member
Thank you @Jess.
Infact there is no import options in woocommerce version.
I think I'm stuck.
Damn, do it manually it's a nightmare...


New Member
Hi there,

Any solution to this problem? I was looking for the same issue. I have found description images are much better then the product gallery. Don't want to have to make customers scroll through the page, nor download and re-upload each time to product gallery.

Victoria Kudryashova

Hi there,

Any solution to this problem? I was looking for the same issue. I have found description images are much better then the product gallery. Don't want to have to make customers scroll through the page, nor download and re-upload each time to product gallery.
You can edit product description before import, you can remove images and leave only text, or vice versa
I have solved this problem with a combination of some plugins, right settings and workflow. This is for Woocommerce versions of Alidropship Woo.

I will right up something and post it tomorrow on how we solved this very issue. The first issue was description image are only linked to alicnd network.
we also solved the issue then of adding images back into the products. we easily search media library for all the image we need. takes 2 seconds. boom.
ok, more on all this tomorrow :D


New Member
I have solved this problem with a combination of some plugins, right settings and workflow. This is for Woocommerce versions of Alidropship Woo.

I will right up something and post it tomorrow on how we solved this very issue. The first issue was description image are only linked to alicnd network.
we also solved the issue then of adding images back into the products. we easily search media library for all the image we need. takes 2 seconds. boom.
ok, more on all this tomorrow :D

Hello, did you finish writing this post? What plugins did you use?