How Often Does Alidropship Sync Stock and Price Of Products?


That´s the question.

How often does the plugin sync with Aliexpress to keep the price and stock up-to-date?


Victoria Kudryashova

That´s the question.

How often does the plugin sync with Aliexpress to keep the price and stock up-to-date?

Updates ‹ My WordPress Website — WordPress - Google Chrome 2018-05-17 13.52.28.png
You set the interval , to start auto-update you need to authorize your site at AliDropship Google Chrome extension and open Google Chrome browser. Update takes 5 sec for 1 product , so if you have too many products and extension will not have enough time to update all of your products for 24 hours (if you selected 'Once daily' option) the next update will be done when all of your products will be updated.