How long did it take to get your first sale?


New Member
Good morning, I'm from Argentina and I did not start with my store for almost 1 month.
I already have traffic through the different social networks but I can not make any sales. I have three abandoned carts in the store.
Excuse me if my English is not good but I am using a translator.
I already checked the store and corrected the mistakes that marked me, so I wanted to know how long it took you to have your first sale.


Good morning, I'm from Argentina and I did not start with my store for almost 1 month.
I already have traffic through the different social networks but I can not make any sales. I have three abandoned carts in the store.
Excuse me if my English is not good but I am using a translator.
I already checked the store and corrected the mistakes that marked me, so I wanted to know how long it took you to have your first sale.

Hello, Nachochef!

No one can tell you how long it will take to make your fisrt sale. That depends upon a number of factors. You can see for yourself by reading our forum members posts in Our Dropshipping Journeys thread.

I recommend you reading the following articles which should help you:
1) eCommerce Website Audit Checklist: Why People Don’t Buy From Your Store
2) “How I Made My First eCommerce Sale”: 5 Real-Life Stories And What We Can Learn From Them