Home and Garden Store for Sell.


New Member
Too sad that the link is broken. I'm looking for some garden accessories. My wife and I, during the lockdown, decided that our garden needs some major improvements. Actually, we got lucky that we moved out from the apartment to our own home just before the lockdown. We had some time to plan how we are going to organize our new space. Besides, we both agreed on making a perfect spot in our garden for our future BBQ parties. We have already found perfect garden furniture. Now, we are just looking for some other things to add, and we are checking every single store that has something for the garden in stock.
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New Member
I don't understand why you posted the link if it's not valid. Did you give up the idea or what? I would be interested in starting a furniture business, I have some knowledge in the field of design and marketing, and I think this niche is perfect for me. I was very inspired by the website and the service of furniturevogue.co.uk from which I recently bought a lot of furniture for our new home. We expect a baby, so we could not live long-only on rent. If anyone else has such websites for sale, please write to me.