Hello everyone!


New Member
Hi everyone,

I just recently purchased alidropship plugin and am looking forward to setting up my first store with wordpress/woocommerce.

I have absolutely NO EXPERIENCE with woocommerce but so far I love learning what it can and cannot do.

I have a couple of stores right now with Shopify and the monthly payment is absolutely crazy plus all the things I want is a monthly charge which is way too expensive...
I have been following Yaros thread in various forum and for awhile I forgot all about it. After an issue with my billing at Shopify I remember about Yaros forum and saw that alidropship plugin was available! I am now setting a brand new store with a different niche and see how that goes.

If it all goes well, then i'm going to start to slowly migrate my other stores over. So far I've brought a 2 year hosting plan and honestly it was like my shopify payment for the last 2 months but i get this for 2 YEARS!

Cant wait and hopefully I'll have good news to share soon!