Has anyone tried to pass to woocommerce version ?


New Member
The question is what happens to all of the products items after we pass to woocommerce version ?
Has anyone tried it already ?

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
Two different databases with different tables ... so you would have to import all your products from AliExpress and rewrite edits etc from scratch. Unless there is a migration script somewhere ... which I doubt. (Too new)


New Member
Two different databases with different tables ... so you would have to import all your products from AliExpress and rewrite edits etc from scratch. Unless there is a migration script somewhere ... which I doubt. (Too new)
Two different databases with different tables ?
Do we talking about 1wordpress database with different custom post types
So maybe that can do the job :

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
Two different databases with different tables ?
Do we talking about 1wordpress database with different custom post types
So maybe that can do the job :

No. That won't work at all. We're talking about two different databases with two different table structures.

Actually, I just remembered asking Yarros about trying the Woo version a couple of weeks ago and whether I'd have to get the license key transferred. He said no ... but I would have to re-import ALL my products from AliExpress again.

But don't take my word for it ... contact support and ask them. :)


New Member
Hi i am a professional writer from term paper writing service. I am currently using the woocommerce old version. I heard that the new version has a lot of attractive features and i like to update my old to new version for enjoying the latest features.