Google Merchant Center Feed Not Loading


New Member
It stays stuck at 0% anyone had this ? It was working fine yesterday, but this came after we added a lot of products (a lot)
but its still at 0% since this morning. i downloaded and redownloaded it too, and even deleted from my host's cpanel but still doesn't work
the facebook feed is bugged too
same with importing reviews
same with alishipping add-on

we have tons of products i know it'll be slow, but its been the whole day and nothing loaded. thanks

Dimitriy Strekalov

Staff member

As I've checked, Google Merchant add-on is working properly on your site.
But, I'd like to pay your attention, that you have quite a lot of Products on your site, and in this case, the feed generation process takes much more time.


New Member

As I've checked, Google Merchant add-on is working properly on your site.
But, I'd like to pay your attention, that you have quite a lot of Products on your site, and in this case, the feed generation process takes much more time.
Do I have to keep regenerating the XML in order for the URL to be updated?
Like, if I add lets say 1000 new products today, do I have to go back and regenerate a new XML ? In order for the URL feed to be updated via Google fetch? Or it will go through automatically without me having to do it? (facebook too)

Btw, is Alishipping the same? That plugin works as well just slow? Because it stalls and doesn't pass 0% for a while

Dimitriy Strekalov

Staff member
Yes, in order to update your Feed, you need to generate it again for both Facebook Business and Google Merchant add-ons.

AliShipping add-on performance might be also affected by significant number of Products on the site.


New Member
Yes, in order to update your Feed, you need to generate it again for both Facebook Business and Google Merchant add-ons.

AliShipping add-on performance might be also affected by significant number of Products on the site.
It is not working. At all. All 3 plugins are not running, neither is importing reviews. It does not even reach 1% in the bar
This has been like this for over 5 days
I reinstalled all, did all the work, but nothing changed

Dimitriy Strekalov

Staff member

Unfortunately, you are facing this issue due to quite large number of Products on your site, which is affecting the add-ons performance.


New Member

Unfortunately, you are facing this issue due to quite large number of Products on your site, which is affecting the add-ons performance.
I understand this, but it should only slow down performance, not make it impossible to load..
how can I fix this ? its so limiting