Google color Attributes


Facebook business attribute color how can be entered as my products having different colors so need to check each product to find color attributes? My store is of wrist watches and I check few products all having different colors.

Please guide as this is required for facebook business setup as here is the error while importing catalog,

For items in category Apparel & Accessories > Jewelry > Watches, a value should be provided for color,google_product_category.


I googled it before posting here but since colors are in alidropship and wp tables so google merchants help of no use. I can see colors of my variants like black brown, white silky etc so in such cases how I should configure color attributes.
In wp which table having colors so can search all and find all to enter or any other suggestion. Thanks

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
I've never been asked to provide that info when I set up Facebook manager. Are you using some 3rd party plugin by any chance?

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
So it IS a plugin. I thought you were talking about the normal Facebook Business account dashboard at Facebook. That's all I use. I don't use that plugin.

Seeing as it's an Alidropship owned plugin, you would be better off writing to rather than waiting here forever for a solution.
