Updated :
The database has been updated
2022.08.20 ⚡️ Bot update v114
Change log v114:
- Bot accept auto payment USDT trc20 complete.
- Added discount from $500 +20%
- A smart assistant has been added to the FLOODS bot. Since by the end of the week the sites and material were spammed. What does an assistant do?
Database update every Monday.
The assistant adds 10% to the task every day.
Monday +0%
Tuesday +10%
Wednesday +20%
Thursday +30%
Friday +40%
Saturday +50%
Sunday +60%
Telegram bot: flooodbot ( https://t.me/flooodbot ) Invite: Forum URL
Telegram info: flooods ( https://t.me/flooods )
Telegram support: eValidator ( https://t.me/eValidator )

2022.08.20 ⚡️ Bot update v114
Change log v114:
- Bot accept auto payment USDT trc20 complete.
- Added discount from $500 +20%
- A smart assistant has been added to the FLOODS bot. Since by the end of the week the sites and material were spammed. What does an assistant do?
Database update every Monday.
The assistant adds 10% to the task every day.
Monday +0%
Tuesday +10%
Wednesday +20%
Thursday +30%
Friday +40%
Saturday +50%
Sunday +60%
Telegram bot: flooodbot ( https://t.me/flooodbot ) Invite: Forum URL
Telegram info: flooods ( https://t.me/flooods )
Telegram support: eValidator ( https://t.me/eValidator )