
New Member
[QUOTE = "Ekaterina Sayapina, posting: 23273, anggota: 688"]
Kick-mulailah kampanye pemasaran FB Anda dengan membuat katalog produk dengan sekali klik

Teruslah dengan otomatisasi pemasaran yang berkembang pesat dengan memberikan dorongan pada kampanye penargetan Anda dengan add-on Facebook Business. Bisnis FB adalah solusi efisien yang dirancang untuk menyinkronkan toko web Anda dengan Katalog Produk Facebook dan membuat pengalaman promosi Anda semulus mungkin.
Dengan iklan dinamis FB, Anda dapat yakin bahwa calon pelanggan hanya akan melihat produk yang relevan di umpan Facebook dan Instagram. Karena iklan ini didasarkan pada item yang dilihat pengunjung Anda di situs web Anda, kemungkinan iklan tersebut akan kembali ke toko Anda. Kesempatan ini terlalu menggoda untuk dilewatkan!

  • Jual dari katalog produk Anda mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari iklan dinamis
  • Meningkatkan efisiensi akuisisi pelanggan
  • Minumlah minat calon klien Anda dengan mengingatkan mereka tentang produk yang mereka lihat
  • Dorong lebih banyak permintaan ke situs web Anda
  • Buat katalog produk Anda dalam satu klik
  • Siapkan pembaruan katalog produk otomatis
  • Buat rekomendasi hasil personalisasi kepada audiens target Anda
  • Biarkan orang tahu tentang toko web Anda dengan menunjukkan iklan kepada perangkat di perangkat yang mereka gunakan
  • Nikmati antarmuka yang bersih
  • Kompatibel dengan WooCommerce


US $ 27.00

*pembayaran satu kali
Please help,i try setting this plug in.but always trouble

Ekaterina Sayapina

[QUOTE = "Ekaterina Sayapina, posting: 23273, anggota: 688"]
Kick-mulailah kampanye pemasaran FB Anda dengan membuat katalog produk dengan sekali klik

Teruslah dengan otomatisasi pemasaran yang berkembang pesat dengan memberikan dorongan pada kampanye penargetan Anda dengan add-on Facebook Business. Bisnis FB adalah solusi efisien yang dirancang untuk menyinkronkan toko web Anda dengan Katalog Produk Facebook dan membuat pengalaman promosi Anda semulus mungkin.
Dengan iklan dinamis FB, Anda dapat yakin bahwa calon pelanggan hanya akan melihat produk yang relevan di umpan Facebook dan Instagram. Karena iklan ini didasarkan pada item yang dilihat pengunjung Anda di situs web Anda, kemungkinan iklan tersebut akan kembali ke toko Anda. Kesempatan ini terlalu menggoda untuk dilewatkan!

  • Jual dari katalog produk Anda mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari iklan dinamis
  • Meningkatkan efisiensi akuisisi pelanggan
  • Minumlah minat calon klien Anda dengan mengingatkan mereka tentang produk yang mereka lihat
  • Dorong lebih banyak permintaan ke situs web Anda
  • Buat katalog produk Anda dalam satu klik
  • Siapkan pembaruan katalog produk otomatis
  • Buat rekomendasi hasil personalisasi kepada audiens target Anda
  • Biarkan orang tahu tentang toko web Anda dengan menunjukkan iklan kepada perangkat di perangkat yang mereka gunakan
  • Nikmati antarmuka yang bersih
  • Kompatibel dengan WooCommerce


US $ 27.00

*pembayaran satu kali
Please help,i try setting this plug in.but always trouble
Could you please tell me what exactly are you having troubles with?


New Member
Just realised this plugin doesn't strip out shortcodes from the description; so it looks pretty weird on Facebook. Any solution to this? No documentation on hooks and filters too - so I'm guessing this plugin doesn't support extensions.

Ekaterina Sayapina

Just realised this plugin doesn't strip out shortcodes from the description; so it looks pretty weird on Facebook. Any solution to this? No documentation on hooks and filters too - so I'm guessing this plugin doesn't support extensions.
That’s correct, only text is processed in product description. Could you please explain why do you need shortcodes in product description?


How Is the Facebook for Woocommerce plugin differ from this addon?


I have installed a Facebook for Woocommerce plugin where from the admin panel you can integrate products to your store's fb page. With this plugin, you may also advertise your products directly from your store to FB. What is the difference between the 2?

Ekaterina Sayapina

I have installed a Facebook for Woocommerce plugin where from the admin panel you can integrate products to your store's fb page. With this plugin, you may also advertise your products directly from your store to FB. What is the difference between the 2?
Facebook Business add-on is created for setting up FB dynamic ads to promote products of your store to people who are interested in what you offer. Relevant items from your product catalog will be shown in FB feed of your potential clients. You may check further details here.


New Member
Hello everyone

I have a question and would like to know if anyone could help.

In pixel configuration with the generated catalog there are errors of pixel events. (see picture)

Missing "AddToCart, Purchase"

I have not found anywhere how to set up the facebook pixel with these events with the Alidropship plugin. With woocommerce is simple, however with the alidropship missing the parameter information to configure "AddToCart and Purchase" events.

The question I ask is:

1 - Could this "Missing" AddToCart, Purchase "error mess up my remarketing campaign?

2 - Where is it possible to find
documentation to properly configure Facebook Pixel events with the alidropship plugin?

Thank you


  • Screen Shot 2018-04-06 at 12.52.03 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2018-04-06 at 12.52.03 PM.png
    82.7 KB · Views: 27


New Member
Hello everyone

I have a question and would like to know if anyone could help.

In pixel configuration with the generated catalog there are errors of pixel events. (see picture)

Missing "AddToCart, Purchase"

I have not found anywhere how to set up the facebook pixel with these events with the Alidropship plugin. With woocommerce is simple, however with the alidropship missing the parameter information to configure "AddToCart and Purchase" events.

The question I ask is:

1 - Could this "Missing" AddToCart, Purchase "error mess up my remarketing campaign?

2 - Where is it possible to find documentation to properly configure Facebook Pixel events with the alidropship plugin?

Thank you

I've made changes to the theme to track the full user's behaviour, from 'browsing, to checkout' - using the fb tracking code and google analytics code entered in the DaVinci theme settings.

Should I release a plugin for this?

Ekaterina Sayapina

Hello everyone

I have a question and would like to know if anyone could help.

In pixel configuration with the generated catalog there are errors of pixel events. (see picture)

Missing "AddToCart, Purchase"

I have not found anywhere how to set up the facebook pixel with these events with the Alidropship plugin. With woocommerce is simple, however with the alidropship missing the parameter information to configure "AddToCart and Purchase" events.

The question I ask is:

1 - Could this "Missing" AddToCart, Purchase "error mess up my remarketing campaign?

2 - Where is it possible to find documentation to properly configure Facebook Pixel events with the alidropship plugin?

Thank you
There is the Pixel setup guide in our Knowledge Base, please make yourself familiar with it. You don't have to do any "advanced" settings to set up View Content, Add to Cart and Purchase events, they are set automatically by the plugin. Just paste your FB Pixel ID in Customization => General.
Also, make sure you've connected your FB Pixel to your Product Catalog.
86  Products.jpg

Ekaterina Sayapina

I've made changes to the theme to track the full user's behaviour, from 'browsing, to checkout' - using the fb tracking code and google analytics code entered in the DaVinci theme settings.

Should I release a plugin for this?
What do you mean by "release a plugin"? Update AliDropship plugin?