Exclude Country by Product


New Member
Does anyone know if there is a way to... or a "good" plugin that would enable me to exclude a product from being shown or sold to a specific country?

In other words, let's say I have a watch that ships free everywhere except... Spain.... and the shipping cost is way too high to ship to Spain... I would want to not show (nor sell) that product to the Spain market... but still show the product to everyone else.

Thanks everyone.


New Member
Hey thanks DW.

I did see that plugin but the reviews were minimal and it has not been updated in over a year... so I was reluctant to go that route. I was hoping there was another way.

Thanks again,

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
I did see that plugin but the reviews were minimal and it has not been updated in over a year.

That's just one of the first I saw from this Google search ...

Check it out ... you may find other solutions.

I did see that plugin but the reviews were minimal
That doesn't really mean anything. No news is good news. As long as they aren't bad reviews.

it has not been updated in over a year...

That could just mean it has simple functions and has no problems. I have a couple of plugins that have not been updated for a long time and have the old "This plugin has not been tested with your version of Wordpress" ... but they work fine. Just because they haven't been updated in ages or tested, doesn't mean they won't work.

So what I'm saying is, that plugin is free and it won't hurt to just "try it". If it works, great! If not ... the search continues. ;)

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
I guess you'd have to install a VPN in Chrome that will let you change your I.P to Spain to test it though. Unless you have a friend in Spain that can check it ;)


New Member
I guess you'd have to install a VPN in Chrome that will let you change your I.P to Spain to test it though. Unless you have a friend in Spain that can check it ;)
So I decided to give this one a try:
WooCommerce Product Country Restrictions by WP Super Admins

It appears to be relatively new but they seem to be on top of updating things when WP has updates.

I was able to test it by setting my own country as a restricted country for one particular product. At first, when I went to my website, the product still showed up... So I then open a chrome browser as "Incognito"... and it worked.... the product did not show up at all. I guess no need for a VPN/IP in a different country.
I hope it remains stable and doesn't cause any issues .

Anyway... just thought I would share this with anyone else who is in need of this feature.
