Enhanced Image management in Chrome estension


New Member
A few quick suggestions about simple functionalities that would help before importing product images.

1) enable to change the image "file name", "permalink" and "ALT attribute" based on the (updated) product title+index (-01, -02, -03) before importing
2) improve the resize functionality by allowing to:
--a) change (reduce) resolution without cropping the image. That is, if i have an image with 1000x1000 pixel, transform it to 600x600 by keeping the same content
--b) allow to move and resize the crop selection (while keeping the preselected ratio). To do this offline I use Irfanview that is easy to use but I have to downlad all imagest o my pc, resize them, reimport and attach them to the product (not viable for large number of products)
--c) allow to optimize the image file size (while keeping the pixels). I would suggest checking ImageOptim which is free, open-source software under terms of the GPL v2 or later. You can fork the code on GitHub and improve it!

Yaros & team can you please let us know if these improvements can be implemented? it would greatly improve SEO and site speed
