Coupons -Usage limit


I want to set up coupon for abandoned cart addon and generally for other things, those coupons can be used only once per email/customer.
What to write in the field: usage limit? 0 or 1?
Thank you very much.

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
If you put "1" it can only be used once, by everybody. It's a stupid setup that's been complained about before. When I used the Origianal plugin I set the usage limit to 1000. That means that coupon can be used 1000 times before it expires ... by everyone. Then you have to reset it again. person can use it multiple times ... if they are smart and realise it. So if you set the usage to 10 ... ONE person could use that coupon 10 times, and then it would be expired. No one else could use it. Stupid, ay?

There is no way to limit the usage to individual customers.

In the Woocommerce coupons, you can.

This is one of several reasons I moved to Woo.

The Original plugin's coupon system is terrible.

The only way to use it stress free is like I said above. Set the limit to 1000 or whatever. After it's been used 1000 times by everyone (including smart ones who use it more than once) ... it expires and you have to reset it again. If you want to save yourself the hassle of resetting it every 1000 uses ... then set it to 1,000,000 or 10, 000, 000.

Stupid, ay?
