Changing the domain name effects of already listed products.


New Member

I am interested in changing the name of an existing site. If I clone my existing site that already has the alidropship woo plugin installed, give the site a new domain and change the auth key for the plugin, will the products I have already listed still be connected to Aliexpress, or will I have to re-list all the items?

I know this is a complicated question and I look forward to any insight.





I am interested in changing the name of an existing site. If I clone my existing site that already has the alidropship woo plugin installed, give the site a new domain and change the auth key for the plugin, will the products I have already listed still be connected to Aliexpress, or will I have to re-list all the items?

I know this is a complicated question and I look forward to any insight.


The product will still be connected to AliExpress. But changing domain name will cost you a lot. You need help from your host provider in this task.


New Member
Thanks for the insight.

As far as the domain is concerned, I already purchased the new domain for $9.00 and will point the domain name to the name servers for free.

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
Easiest to add the new domain as an Addon Domain via the cPanel. Unless you want to change your account main domain, in that case, contact your host support like @Mar said above. But before you do anything download/backup all your site's files and database.

Then ... Export/download (if not done already) and edit the database in a decent text editor like Notepad++, do a "Search/Replace" with the old domain and new domain (Also with the site title), then import it into the new site's database. Also re-upload all the old sites files to the new one's folder (public_html or whatever) or just move them in the cPanel>File manager if necessary, if they are still there.

You will also have to edit the database name, user etc in the wp-config.php if they have changed.

You will also have to change the logo and any other site related images and edit any Social Media page/Account URLS/Names etc, edit any Google Analytic code and do a manual search through every plugin's settings to check if anything else needs to be edited.

Exactly the same as cloning a site. I have successfully done it many times.

You could also try and find a site cloning/backup plugin to do it all. Don't ask me for a suggestion as I don't trust them. I prefer to do it manually like I described above. The time it takes manually or with a plugin is about the same.

If you stuff it up, you'll just have to start a new store from scratch.
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Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
Google "How to clone a Wordpress site" and you may find a clearer explanation on how to do it. Not a 100% clone as the domain and site titles will be changed.