Bought website with Social Rabbit already running - Facebook and Twitter errors


New Member
Hello. I hope this topic hasn't already been covered. I scanned the threads and didn't see it. I bought an existing website from someone a couple of weeks ago. Social Rabbit was already up and running on the site. After the sale was completed, I was able to get Instagram up and running fairly easily with Social Rabbit. Unfortunately, Facebook and Twitter are giving me problems.

1) Facebook - the prior owner of the site made me the admin for the store's FB page. The only way I can access the page is by going through my personal account. I don't have any information about the Facebook developer account that was used to establish the page.

I assume that the App ID and Secret Key information remains the same since the FB page is the same, only with me as the admin now. So I went through the Auth button under Settings and it seemed to link up okay. However, now when it goes to post either from Gallery or Poster, I receive errors in the log:

(#200) Requires either publish_actions permission, or manage_pages and publish_pages as an admin with sufficient administrative permission
(#200) Requires manage_pages and publish_pages to manage the object

I'm already listed as the admin for the FB page, so I'm not sure what other setting is needed for this to work. Thank you in advance for any suggestions.

2) Twitter - far less important since the number of followers is negligible, but I would still like it to work. As with Facebook, I was not the developer of the app but I was given access to the account from the prior owner.

This is error I see in the logs for Twitter: Your credentials do not allow access to this resource.

I have tried going into Settings and using the Auth button but that generates this error: Desktop applications only support the oauth_callback value 'oob'/oauth/request_token

Based on some posts I found here, I tried going into the Settings and Privacy option in Twitter but I do not see anything available that has to do with URLs or linking my website. Since I inherited this from the prior owner, I believe that was already established.

Any thoughts on what to try next?

Thank you,